Heather, tell us about this event:
Friday supper to early afternoon Sunday
with music and worship
contemplative times
biblical telling coaching for newcomers
and those deepening their practice
“Come away to the Rocky Mountains and spend time learning to tell Scripture this fall! King’s Fold is not far from Calgary, Alberta. This will be a time for those new to by-heart scripture telling and for those who are more seasoned. Our theme scripture will be the Emmaus Road story. Linnea Good and Ken Quiring, accredited and master tellers, respectively, will facilitate. There will be time for contemplative learning of scripture and time for learning in community. The process of learning Scripture brings us close to God because we are learning the Word of God with our whole being. The food is scrumptious, the vistas amazing!
Linnea and her husband David will also give us musical moments as only they can: it will be ‘wonder-full’.”
Single room & registration $600
Shared room & registration $500
Early Bird (register before July 5/22) $50 discount
Deposit $50 non-refundable
Payment plans, bursaries may be available: please ask
No cancellation after September 20 unless we can fill your spot
Meet Ken Quiring
Ken is a master biblical storyteller credentialed with the Network of Biblical Storytellers, International. He has been a pastor in the Mennonite tradition for over thirty years and is committed to learning about the contact biblical storytelling has with faith formation, peacebuilding, and land-based healing. Ken is passionate to tell and to teach others to tell scripture stories and other traditional tales, especially creation-themed and Jesus-stories. Ken and his wife are proud parents to three adult daughters.
Meet Linnea Good
Linnea Good is a composer, performer, worship leader, accredited biblical storyteller and Christian Educator. She and drummer/spouse David Jonsson live in BC Canada, where she teaches music in her local community and online across the miles. She and David have been blessed to travel regularly to India where they have shared in music ministry and biblical storytelling instruction with Christian leaders, twice with NBSI teams. Along with Heather Seargeant, Linnea heads the Network of Biblical Storytellers Canada. She has recorded videos of lectionary-based scripture weekly for an online audience since the first day of lock-down.