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Story Theatre Text Options

Choose one that is not spoken for, or come up with your own:
Genesis 17:15-22. God promises Abraham that Sarah will conceive and bear a son. Abraham laughs.
Isaiah 7:10-17. The prophet gives a sign. A young woman will conceive and bear a son.
Luke 2:8-16 And there were shepherds...
Matthew 1:18-25 God appears to Joseph in a dream: the child Mary is carrying is from the Holy Spirit
Luke 1:5-25. An angel tells Zechariah that Elizabeth will conceive and bear a son who will make ready a people for God.
1 Sam 1:1-20. Hannah prays for a child. Eli blesses her with peace, and a prayer that God will grant her desire
Gen 18:1-15 - Three visitors appear at the oaks of Mamre. They promise Abraham that Sarah will bear a son the next year. Sarah overhears, and laughs.
- Susan Philip
- Pradeep Kumar
(in Hindi)
- Leela Sudhakar
- Bev Brazier
- Linnea Good
- Jean Bubba
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