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Story Theatre: October 26/24
"A Concert of Calls"
*by donation*
on Zoom
at 9:00am Pacific Time
(see this time calculator)
It’s a truly beautiful thing, how God calls each of us to be part of the holy work of mending the world and embodying the Word. And God calls each of us in exactly the ways that are right for us.
On October 26th, at 9:00-10:00 o’clock pacific time
The NBSC is hosting a “Concert of Calls” – a chance to hear and tell some call stories from the scriptures. Perhaps you know one by heart already. Perhaps you have a favourite that you’d like to learn by heart. Perhaps you’d just like to attend and hear others tell them. Either way, come and join us for this event.
Here are some suggestions – a menu, if you like - to choose from.
If you have one not listed here, feel free to tell that one.
Sign up to tell or to be a member of the online listening audience. In the confirming email will be a zoom link for you, and information for the tellers.
We pray that this will be an opportunity to respond
with our own “Hineyni”:
“Here am I – Send me!”
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